San Bernardino Area
Chamber of Commerce
Welcome to the SBACC Events Calendar.
If you have an event in the City of San Bernardino or you are a SBACC Member and would like your event listed on the calendar, call Lupe at the Chamber at (909) 885-7515 or email at sba.chamber@verizon.net
September 2 -- Labor Day
September 20 -
The Million Fathers March (MFM) is an opportunity for dads, uncles, grandfathers, coaches, mentors, clergy, men’s groups and organizations to show their involvement in their children’s education throughout the school year by escorting their children to school on Friday, September 20, 2024.
Be the hero your children need you to be! Join us at the Million Fathers March (MFM) and make a statement that fatherhood matters! Fathers Incorporated’s website at https://fathersincorporated.com/million-fathers-march/