San Bernardino Area
Chamber of Commerce
Call Us At: (909) 885-7515
Chamber Membership Information
Quartery Networking Luncheon: Join us for an exciting opportunity to network with fellow members of the Chamber during lunch. Our location varies as we meet at different Chamber member restaurants. During this gathering, you will have the chance to introduce yourself and connect with other Chamber members.
Visitors are welcome to attend once before joining the Chamber. Be prepared to have fun, share a laugh and don't forget to bring your business cards!

Volunteer Committees
The chamber is always in the need of volunteers, whether it be for a one time event:
Law Enforcement
Rendezvous back to Route 66
Golf Tournament
Governmental Affairs
The Ambassadors
Each committee is of extreme value and much appreciated. Call the Chamber for information.
A special ten month class that meets on the third Friday of each month
Chamber Lobby Member Information Area is available for Chamber Members to leave brochures, flyers, and/or business cards available to the public.
Eblast Marketing Program is only $100 for Members. Non-Members cost is $250. Information must fit into the body of the email text area. No more than one page.
Advertise on our website: Did you know you can advertise your business on the Chamber website using your own business card. Business card ads are one of the most affordable ways to advertise and one of the most cost effective ways to drive visitors to your own website. The Chamber website averaged 1.7K visitors per month in 2023.
Business card ads cost $20 per month for Member. $30 for Non-Members (Eight spots available)
Get one free month when you advertise for six continuous months.
Get two free months when advertising for a full year.
*Note: The San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce makes no promises or guarantees in regards to ad performance, traffic, click through rates or ad response. The Chamber also reserves the right to change pricing of ad campaigns at any time at no notice to advertiser.
Referrals of Chamber Members are made on a daily basis by public inquiries. Chamber Members are notified of San Bernardino City, County and School District Bids that are brought to the Chamber. A Chamber Directory listing is available to the public on the Chamber Website. As a Chamber Member, you will find that members really do business with members. Individuals recognize Chamber Membership as a positive environment in which to do business.